But what inevitably begins to happen, you change how you respond.
We are fully in control, regardless of any situation, in how we respond. No one is responsible for your feelings that may arise, your thoughts/beliefs around it, are solely yours, and what you decide to do next, all on you.
One thing in this life is promised, troubles. Problems. Man, just stuff! How you respond determines the path of your life. When I sat down with Voyage Dallas, I wanted to convey this message. As an entrepreneur I have been in some trying situations that I briefly mention in the article. But what has caused me to thrive was all in how I chose to respond. Sometimes that may mean having to make a tough decision to not participate in an event or rebrand, even recently create an all new menu.
I have to have the courage to change what I can, and chose to respond in a way that will propel me towards my vision.