Doubt is one of those self construction ideas similar to fear and poor self esteem. No external factor can affect the narrative more than your own thoughts. I am amazed at the power of the mind and how easily we can allow thoughts to control our narrative. We assume because we have tried dating before that it will yield the same results. Or that we have been on several job interviews and absolutely no one will hire us, which leads us down the road of thinking we aren't good enough, undeserving, the list goes on.
I will admit I have been here and danced with these self constructed ideas a few times just with this business alone. I held off launching for a full year from the time I had the idea because I was scared. Had too many what-ifs, felt unqualified, inexperienced, simply fearful of trying something new. The first year I made a healthy share of mistakes which created doubt entering year two. Man, is this really going to work? This is such a big risk and I took an impactful financial loss in launching the prior year.
So, how did I push past the doubt? I sorted what was fact vs fiction. Fact, many businesses that launch with self funding incur losses during the first year. A restaurant business, guaranteed. Lastly, I have a business that I wholeheartedly believe it. That's it. Everything else was just made up fallacies. To start a business requires finances, and if I'm not willing to put some skin in the game how can I expect anyone else to? If I don't believe in what I'm doing, how can I sell it to the public.
You have to be so sure of whatever it is you desire to do and take the risk and do it. When the doubt tries to creep up, make a choice on what you will believe. At the end of the day I can decide to do the work, make the sacrifice to create the life I want, the legacy I desire to build. Or, I can simply not do it. Don't let doubt, fear, or insecurities rob you from experiencing the very best life imaginable.
It's a cost to everything in life. What price are you willing to pay? Real service is service when it's an inconvenience.