Today I made a decision to stop breaking promises to myself. And being ok with it. I will make a plan, such as I will go for a walk before work, or I will play a game with my son. But once the day gets started, after I hit snooze (my regular behavior) a lot of the things I promised myself, I no longer have the time for, and too tired at the end of the day to keep the promise to my son "maybe tomorrow". I mean I didn't show up for myself that day, so it was easy to cancel on everyone else because I simply didn't feel like doing what I promised.
Your words have power. Whether you use them to speak positive, or negative. There is a similar power in showing up behind those words.
So in taking it a day at a time. Before I went to bed last night I said out loud "I'm waking up at 5am to go for my walk." I woke up and was excited to, then while out decided to get a few reps of exercise in. I kept the promise to myself and ended up doing an additional task behind me just showing up.
I made a promise to work on my website during my lunch break and my laptop is fully dead when I get ready. Settle for the excuse and put if off for later, when the later really never comes. Or find a solution. So here I am at the public library less than a mile from my job keeping my promise to myself.
Discipline is built by habits and habits by daily decisions made each moment.
As my coach says "make moves or make excuses."
Let's be honest the life we are currently experiences is a result of the sum of our decisions made.