I will admit I do get a little impatience in this "farming business". While birthing this business I'm also working to get my first book published. And to be honest with you, I got to a place where I needed one to return the love. Reciprocate, let me know that you have promise of actually taking off. Like, am I even on the right path here? I'm doing this work, no one is showing up, maybe I got the wrong memo, wrong product. Do I need to go back to the drawing board? Did I miss the correct field to plant the seed?
In no way am I discourage, I just wanna make sure my efforts will eventually yield a result. Not an overnight one, just eventually. Even with farming, it has to be done at the right season, or there will be no harvest. So my prayer a few nights ago was just that " Please show me some thing that I this is right."
I prepare to vend at a food festival. My confirmed help decides they have better plans that day and cancels. After working 8 hours at my corporate job, I have to go shopping for all the product, then prep all that product by myself. Cook for the salads, cut up all the fruit, pack up that car. Not to mention the location did have a few restrictions, mainly no vendors could cook on site. But there is a kitchen you could walk to etcetera, etcetera. Ugh, obstacles.
Show up. I made a commitment, show up.
Everything is prepped the night before, I arrive early. Talk with the event coordinator, and venue owner. Got the clear to cook at my station. Look at favor. Sometimes you just need to be present and things will work themselves out.
Doors open, and I mean consistent traffic, serve one customer another walk up. They are raving about the egg rolls, others are coming up, "I want that pink smoothie I keep seeing everyone walk around with." "Man, let me get an order of them egg rolls, those look so good!" Most of the customers are not even vegan. They want to try out the food and drinks without hesitation.
Ok, I'm on the right field, right season. Just the confirmation I needed.