"Don't go after opportunities but stay faithful to the assignment."
When David was anointed King, he didn't immediately pack up and head to his thrown, his promise. He kept working as a sheep herder, then went to battle Golyath, then was called to play the harp for the King.
This man was anointed for rulership but completed the assignments before him in excellence with no expectation of reward for his actions. He remained faithful.
David is a great example for us all. But... I'm not David! lol I'm tryna fire all cylinders, fully load the clip to achieve the vision, I previously discussed, within a year but now would be better! I know I know you're like "didn't you just start the business less than 10 months ago?" I did but what you don't know is I've been dreaming and seeing this very big vision for my life since 2007! That is 16 years ago! The version has progressed and actually expanded. But it affects more than just me. Yes I'm ready to drive my all black Tesla model X. But I'm eager to shift other people's lives. Put people on salary making the most money they've ever made. Provide them resources and put them in a position to financially change the trajectory of future generations.
Yes I can smell the Cali air from my balcony but I can see kids college tuition paid. There is no longer lack for me but out of my overflow others lives are impacted.
So yes I'm ready to create product, merch, build the brick and mortar, publish the book, invest in real estate, franchise, create a second concept to Lush Vegan. Think of ways to accelerate this season to get to the next and the next to finally arrive at the fulfillment/harvest (exhales).
What's for certain.
- The vision is for invasion-
- He gave me this vision in my valley so that He can take credit for it at the mount top.
- Don't fail to see the value in the valley.